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Dave Williams
Jan 11, 20233 min read
Once upon a strategy…
Turn strategy into a story about where you want to be and how you got there, and you'll be amazed at how it increases team alignment.

Sean Martin
Nov 16, 20226 min read
The Choice to Go Deeper - Interview with Dan Doty
"The best strategy is useless if executed by a dysfunctional team, and the best teaming / organizational practices can’t make a dent if...

Sean Martin
Dec 3, 20215 min read
Avoiding Cracks in the Foundation
In the wake of success can be the seeds of failure We all know the stats on the low success rate of startups. It’s hard to take an...

Dave Williams
Jul 28, 20214 min read
What’s the secret to organizational performance, based on research?
When we started Volition Partners almost a year ago, my partner and I began with the hard-earned knowledge that many companies face a...

Dave Williams
Jul 19, 20209 min read
Establishing Rhythm at a Startup
The last time you started a new job at virtually any established company, there was no doubt a lot to learn and a lot of adjustment, but...
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